Safeguarding Ukraine's Restoration: Anti-corruption progress and the path ahead
This document takes stock of recent progress (July 2023 to February 2024) in strengthening Ukraine’s anti-corruption ecosystem with a view to safeguarding Restoration projects. It covers:
- Progress in enforcement, with the exposure of three corruption cases.
- Mitigating corruption risks in the Remediation Fund and other Restoration funding mechanisms, including prioritisation, project selection and budget allocation.
- Increasing Restoration project transparency through the DREAM system.
- Connecting Restoration projects with wider strategic planning.
- Strengthening auditing oversight over the Restoration process.
- Development of the public procurement system, including by increasing the share of competitive procurement, making direct contracts more transparent, and strengthening audits and controls.
It is a joint publication of Transparency International Ukraine and the Basel Institute on Governance. A forthcoming sister publication will provide an overview of anti-corruption progress and gaps not directly related to the Restoration.
Disclaimer: This publication has been produced with the support of Switzerland. The contents of this publication are the sole responsibility of the Basel Institute on Governance and TI Ukraine and do not necessarily reflect the views of the development partner.
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Basel Institute on Governance; Transparency International Ukraine