Public attitudes towards corruption in Bulgaria and the anti-corruption actions of the Bulgarian Government
This report presents the results of a nationwide survey of 1,215 individuals in Bulgaria, conducted from February to early March 2024.
The survey examined how corruption is perceived in Bulgaria by different types of respondent, and what kind of behaviour is considered acceptable. It also looked at respondents’ perceptions of anti-corruption efforts and under which circumstances they would be more likely to report corruption to the authorities.
The survey is a follow-up to a survey and Working Paper published in 2023, available at:
About this report
The questionnaire was programmed in Qualtrics and designed and programmed by Dr. Maria Thürk and Prof. Dr. Stefanie Bailer at the University of Basel with the support of Global Metrics in Bulgaria. The survey was fielded in the period 22 February – 5 March 2024 among 1,215 people and analysed by the analytics of Global Metrics (Dr. Radostina Angelova, Pavel Perpeliev and Katerina Georgieva) in partnership and collaboration with Dr. Maria Thürk.
You may share or republish the paper under a Creative Commons CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 licence.
Suggested citation: Global Metrics. 2024. 'Public attitudes towards corruption in Bulgaria and the anti-corruption actions of the Bulgarian Government: Results of a public perceptions survey 2024.' Basel Institute on Governance. Available at:
This research was made possible by the support of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) under the Swiss-Bulgarian Cooperation Programme and of the American people through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The contents are the sole responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID or the SDC.
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