Corruption and Transparency in the Water Sector
This article sets out the experience of Transparency International (TI) in fighting corruption worldwide in the water sector. It focuses on identifying the sources of corruption in the sector and the available toolkits (best practice) for combating it.
Case studies from Cambodia, Japan, Colombia and Pakistan are used to illustrate some of the major points.
The article highlights the importance of forming inclusive multistakeholder approaches to fight corruption, involving government, regulators, utilities, the private sector and civil society organizations (CSOs) and uses as an example the Water Integrity Network (WIN) - a recent initiative to set up a network to combat corruption in the water sector.
It appeared as chapter 16 in Llamas, M. R., Martinez-Cortina, L., and Mukherji, A. (eds.) 2009. Water Ethics: Marcelino Botin Water Forum 2007. CRC Press.
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