15. March 2017

Participate in our survey: Do e-government and digital technologies really help to prevent corruption?

The Basel Institute on Governance is conducting a survey addressing corporate perspectives on e-government tools for anti-corruption prevention.

We are writing to ask for your collaboration in sharing your views on this matter. By clicking HERE you can answer the survey anonymously, it will only take about 6 minutes.

E-government tools - such as e-procurement, e-tax filing and e-sourcing - aim to promote efficient and clean business. It is often said that reducing personal contacts between companies and government officials helps to reduce the scope for discretionary decisions, diminishing the opportunities for bribery.  Is this your experience in practice?  Does your business take e-government tools into consideration in country corruption risk assessments or when entering a new market? Have they reduced the incidence of bribery solicitation?

The Basel Institute will be issuing a report providing an inventory of e-government tools to fight corruption. This survey will complement the report to provide a practical view of the prevalence of use of e-government tools by companies, as well as companies’ perceptions of their usefulness in preventing corruption in practice. Find out more on this topic by reading the FCPA Blog post by Gemma Aiolfi, Head of Compliance.

The results from this survey will be made public alongside our research report. Our sincere thanks in advance to all for taking part in the survey and contributing to this important benchmarking effort.

This project is supported by GSK and Deloitte.