Shenaz Muzaffer, General Counsel of the International Association of Prosecutors, spoke at the…
As Chair of the Steering Committee of the Alliance for Integrity and Head of Compliance of…
We live in a world where global value flows are becoming more complex, with cryptocurrencies…
By Salifu Koray, Chief Revenue Officer, Ghana Revenue Authority
Speaking at the Basel…
Bulgarian citizens need no reminding that corruption causes immense social harm, including…
An entrepreneur and vocal supporter of anti-corruption Collective Action, Norwegian-born Vibeke…
Is financial crime really a security threat, as an increasing number of countries and experts…
Leading voices in the field of countering economic crime came together at the 2024 Cambridge…
By Oscar Caipo Ricci, President of the Empresarios por la Integridad initiative in Peru. The …
By Lisa Miller, Head of Integrity Compliance, World Bank Group.
A new guide to non-conviction based forfeiture published by GAFILAT, the Latin American body of…