01. May 2013

World Economic Forum joins the International Centre for Collective Action (ICCA)

The World Economic Forum has joined IACA, OECD, TRACE, Transparency International and the Universidad de San Andrés as a founding institutional partner of the ICCA.

Through its Partnering Against Corruption Initiative (PACI), a global, cross-sectoral anti-corruption initiative set up to raise ethical business standards and to contribute to a competitive, transparent and accountable business society, the WEF is acting on the very forefront of private sector driven anti-corruption efforts. It is committed to a zero tolerance policy towards bribery and corruption, and through its efforts in the G20/B20 dialogue and other global agenda setting initiatives, the WEF plays a critical role in helping foster a high-level dialogue between business and governments.

It is thus too an important partner of the ICCA for promoting collective action and public-private partnerships in the global fight against corruption.