Upcoming UK government webinars on Top Tips for Trading Responsibly During Covid-19

Integrity risks for businesses trading overseas have shot up due to the pandemic. Anti-corruption and human rights compliance approaches designed to protect companies during “business as usual” can come under strain in these unusual circumstances.
How can companies – especially smaller companies with limited resources – protect themselves from integrity risks in these times of crisis? There are no easy answers, but it’s important to talk about the questions.
Gemma Aiolfi, the Basel Institute’s Head of Compliance and Collective Action, will take part in a panel at two upcoming UK government webinars. The events are part of the UK Department of Trade’s COVID-19 Webinar series aimed at helping SMEs trade safely and responsibly during the covid-19 pandemic and its aftermath.
The focus is on guidance and practical advice to support SMEs from any country – not just the UK – and help them overcome pandemic-related challenges and potential disruption. An open Q&A session will follow the short presentations.
Webinar details and registration
The two webinars are hosted by the UK Department for International Trade and Department for International Development. They will take place in English and feature presentations by UK government officials, but the majority of the advice will be relevant to businesses in other countries too. Attendance is free.
Both events cover:
- Trends and opportunities in the sector
- Practical tips on sourcing and managing supply chains while respecting and championing human rights
- Protecting your business from integrity risks
- Complying with the UK Bribery Act.
More information and registration:
- Consumer and retail sector: 16 June 2020, 11:00-12:30 (GMT+1)
- Food and drink sector: 7 July 2020, 11:00-12:30 (GMT+1)