Trujillo becomes Peru’s 10th subnational government to create a Code of Conduct

Trujillo, capital city of La Libertad region in northwestern Peru, has become the country’s 10th local government authority to develop and approve a Code of Conduct for public officials and other civil servants.
As with the other nine Codes of Conduct, it was created in a participatory manner by the local government with technical assistance from the Subnational PFM Programme of the Swiss SECO Cooperation, implemented by the Basel Institute in Peru.
Created collaboratively, the Code of Conduct is a preventive tool that helps to guide staff in their actions and inspire them to act ethically in their daily work. It clearly sets out the values of the institution and highlights appropriate and inappropriate behaviours, along with specific examples as recommended in Peru’s National Plan for Integrity and the Fight Against Corruption 2018–2021.
If all individuals act ethically, the institution as a whole can better reach its objectives – for the ultimate benefit of citizens. The Code of Conduct is recognised in Peruvian law as one of the main mechanisms to promote public integrity and service to citizens within administrative bodies.
More information
- See the original news item (in Spanish) with more details, photos and a link to the Code of Conduct.
- Read the Guide for the Participatory Implementation of a Code of Conduct (in Spanish).