ICAR partners with Paraguay to build national capacity in financial investigation and asset recovery

The International Centre for Asset Recovery (ICAR) has further expanded its operational engagement in South America partnering with Paraguay where ICAR experts, in partnership with the Ministerio Público (Public Prosecutor’s Office) of Paraguay, conducted a 5-day training programme in financial investigation and asset recovery in Asunción from 25 to 29 July 2016. The training aimed at strengthening the capacities of public prosecutors and other relevant local stakeholders to investigate and prosecute corruption and money laundering offences, to gather evidence, and identify, trace, and forfeit assets located in foreign jurisdictions through mutual legal assistance requests.
The workshop was attended by 25 participants, including prosecutors, investigators, and representatives of the Prevention of Asset or Money Laundering Secretariat (SEPRELAD - the Financial Intelligence Unit of Paraguay), the Customs Office, the Office of the Comptroller General of the Republic (Contraloría General de la República), and the State Attorney’s Office (Procuraduría General de la República).
While the training exercise was specifically tailored in line with Paraguay’s legal framework, the participants were simultaneously also exposed to international best practices in financial investigation techniques and to new money laundering trends. A preliminary scoping mission was conducted by ICAR’s training team a few months prior to the training to obtain all relevant information in order to design a country-specific programme.
The participants appreciated the very practical nature of the training workshop; knowledge and skills were not solely imparted to them through lecturing on theory but most importantly through enrolment of the participants in a hands-on, complex simulated real life investigation exercise. The presence of professionals from various agencies helped to promote networking and inter-institutional co-operation.