Gemma Aiolfi, Head of Compliance, Corporate Governance and Collective Action at the Basel Institute on Governance, took part in a dialogue on Anti-Corruption Compliance and Collective Action organised by the Malaysian Institute of Management (MIM).

The invitation-only event took place in the Malaysian capital Kuala Lumpur on Tuesday, 30 October 2018. It is part of the institute's Crucial Conversations@MIM series.

The Basel Institute on Governance has partnered with Zurich-based MME to offer a training course on blockchain, cryptocurrencies and anti-money laundering/countering the financing of terrorism (AML/CFT). The two-day course, FinTech AML Compliance Training, covers the essentials of blockchain and how to adapt AML/CFT processes to the FinTech industry.

The Basel Institute on Governance and Ecuador's Financial and Economic Analysis Unit (Unidad de Análisis Financiero y Económico, UAFE) have signed a Case Consultancy Agreement. The agreement, signed on 29 November during the Basel Institute's third mission to Quito, sets out general lines of mutual cooperation in areas related to the fight against corruption, money laundering and other financial crimes.

The Basel Institute is providing anti-corruption guidance services to SMEs as part of the UK government's pioneering Business Integrity Initiative. 

Subsidised by the UK Department for International Development (DFID) for eligible SMEs, the guidance services are focused on:

  • Anti-corruption compliance
  • Corruption and bribery prevention
  • Anti-corruption Collective Action

Find out more about the services and how to apply for support.

In November 2018, students from the Peruvian regions of San Martín, La Libertad, Lambayeque, Apurimac and Cusco graduated with a Diploma in Management and Public Finances. This successful capacity-building initiative is thanks to a partnership between ESAN University in the Peruvian capital Lima and the Subnational Public Finance Management program funded by SECO and implemented by the Basel Institute on Governance.