The project aimed to reduce vulnerabilities to corruption in public procurement systems and to bridge knowledge and communication gaps between public procurement administrations and the private sector. The project promoted States’ implementation of article 9 of the UN Convention against Corruption (UNCAC) and support private actors’ efforts to comply with the Tenth Principle of the UN Global Compact, by:

The purpose of the project was to collect information on the existence of cases of corruption, bribery and extortion along the major global road transport corridors on five continents. Once this data was collected via online questionnaires and analysed by experts, the results were planned to be sent to the governments of the countries involved with specific recommendations on anti-corruption activities in international road transport through UN channels, and also be officially presented to the participants of the UN Anti-Corruption Day in December 2014.

The Hanoi Principles are a set of business ethics principles and implementation guidelines for the engineering and construction sector in the APEC region. In cooperation with the U.S Department of Commerce, and under the auspices of the the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Small and Medium Enterprise (SME) Ministerial Working Group, Fluor led the effort to develop the Hanoi Principles.

The National Anti-Corruption Forum (NACF) was established in 2001 to combat and prevent corruption, build integrity and raise awareness.

The NACF is comprised of three sectors: 

  • civil society 
  • business
  • government.

Each sector is represented by ten members nominated by their respective constituencies. The business sector is represented by 10 delegates from the Business Unity South Africa (BUSA).

Recognising the fundamentally destructive nature of corruption and bribery on societies, economies and businesses, and in support of their companies’ unconditional commitment and strict policies against corruption and bribery in all their business dealings, the members of the Working Group on Integrity in Energy and Transport aim to collaborate to develop anti-corruption initiatives in countries in which they operate.

These initiatives may include: