Designing social norms and behaviour change interventions: Guidance resources for conservation practitioners
This series of four guides provides practical guidance on the potential applications of behavioural science to enhance anti-corruption and conservation efforts.
The resources were produced under the Targeting Natural Resource Corruption project.
1. Behavioural science: introduction for addressing corruption’s impact on the environment – An introduction to behavioural science and its relevance to anti-corruption and conservation efforts, with guidance for practitioners on how to get started in applying social norms and behaviour change insights.
2. Tackling red tape to reduce bribery: Anti-corruption as a problem-solving tool in fisheries – How to address the problem of "red tape", not only by simplifying rules and procedures but also by incorporating strategies to change attitudes and behaviours.
3. Addressing collusive corruption in community-managed forests – How to tackle collusive corruption using a social norms and behaviour change approach, based on a scenario where corruption affects a community-based resource management scheme in the forestry sector.
4. Supporting frontline wildlife defenders through social norms approaches – Examining the corruption challenges affecting frontline wildlife defenders through a social norms and behaviour change lens, in order to understand the different drivers of corruption, and develop concrete ways to address them.
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