03. July 2017

Basel Institute and DICO sign a cooperation agreement

Mark Pieth signs DICO cooperation agreement

Professor Mark Pieth on behalf of the Basel Institute and the German Institute for Compliance (DICO) signed a Memorandum of Understanding in June 2017. The cooperation agreement foresees a range of joint projects being undertaken to address compliance themes relevant to the private sector, focusing particularly on preventive work. The agreement was signed at the DICO annual general meeting in Berlin where Professor Mark Pieth held a keynote speech.

DICO is keen to promote anti-corruption Collective Action within the private sector and will be engaging with the Basel Institute to further understanding on that topic as well as to promote its application in a variety of industry sectors.

Read more (in German) on the "4. DICO Forum Compliance: Den blinden Flecken auf der Spur".