17. June 2017

Moving with Africa - opportunities for business and development

Collage of photos from Africa

On 28 June 2017, Gemma Aiolfi, Head of Corporate Governance, Compliance and Collective Action at the Basel Institute, will take part in a panel discussion during the ECAS 2017 Business and Development Forum “Moving with Africa” at the University of Basel. 

The breakaway panel session on “Accountability and anti-corruption measures” will tackle the issue of corruption and bribery as major concerns both for socio-economic development and for doing business in an African context. It will taking into account different perspectives and ask what corruption means for the societies concerned, what role rules, norms and interests play, and what individuals and organisations can do in order to prevent themselves from being involved in illegal and illegitimate activities.

With the Business and Development Forum the University of Basel offers a platform for the exchange between academics and decision makers in business, government and development cooperation. The aim is to discuss opportunities and challenges for international business arising from Swiss-African relations as well as the expectations by African societies and stakeholders towards these relations. The Basel Institute is associated with the University of Basel.

The forum takes place in the run-up of the 7th European Conference on African Studies, which is hosted by the University of Basel from 29 June to 1 July 2017. The conference will attract up to 2000 scholars working on the social, political, economic and cultural development of African societies.

For more information on the panellists and the programme, click here