27. February 2017

Mark Pieth appointed to IAAF Vetting Panel

Mark Pieth has been appointed by the International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF) as one of the three independent persons to its newly created Vetting Panel. The IAAF has been in the spotlight in recent years in relation to corruption in the way it was managing the sport,  culminating in the Russian doping scandal and the banning of the former President of the IAAF and the former treasurer from the sport for life. 

In late 2016, the President of the IAAF, Lord Coe, obtained approval from the members for a set of reforms and new governance structure for the IAAF which included an independent panel of experts to oversee and assess the eligibility of new and existing officials being put forward for, or continuing to serve in roles at the Association. 

Joining Mark on the panel are Akere Muna, an Independent Sanctions Commissioner at the African Development Bank and Don Mackinnon, managing partner at New Zealand-based employment law firm SBM Legal.

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