Basel Open Intelligence

Basel Open Intelligence is a targeted open-source search tool. It helps compliance officers and investigators to spot and analyse potential links between individuals, companies and criminal activities.

  • Runs one-click, multilingual searches on individuals and organisations.
  • Searches 200+ keywords on financial and other crimes or custom keyword lists.
  • Collates and filters open-source information from media, blogs, PEP databases and sanction lists.
  • Displays highlights and excerpts for fast analysis.
  • Extracts entities and identifies connections between persons, organisations, professional positions and locations.
  • Generates custom reports and automatically creates PDF screenshots of websites.

Download a flyer on Basel Open Intelligence in English, en español, em portugûes et en français.

Why use Basel Open Intelligence?

For investigation

Financial Intelligence Units, anti-corruption agencies, police, prosecutors and investigative journalists worldwide use Basel Open Intelligence to help their investigative efforts.

  • Conduct efficient open-source searches to identify leads and priorities for investigation.
  • Speed up systematic intelligence gathering on suspect individuals and organisations.
  • Build more comprehensive profiles of suspects, locations, corporate links and networks.
  • Quickly identify other members of a suspect’s network.
  • Automatically generate custom reports.
  • Present information in a clear format that supports the creation of evidence for prosecution.
  • Searches are processed and stored securely on a central server for greater anonymity and offline access, even if results later disappear from the internet.

For compliance and due diligence

Compliance officers, accountants and lawyers consider Basel Open Intelligence an essential tool for third-party due diligence, risk assessment, employee screening, KYC and other compliance reasons.

  • Gather information more quickly, easily and effectively thanks to one-click searches.
  • Quickly spot whether a person or company represents a risk to your organisation.
  • Complete simple due diligence checks in a couple of clicks.
  • Save time researching multiple sources, sanctions lists and PEP databases.
  • Build detailed profiles of a person or company to identify potential risks.
  • Cover your bases with a comprehensive search of publicly available information in several languages.
  • Generate and print custom reports according to your company's needs, including automatically created PDF screenshots of websites.
  • Searches are processed and stored securely on a central server – not on personal computers.


How to use




Package 100
Private companies
CHF 200
CHF 100
100 searches
Unlimited users
Package 200
Private companies
CHF 380
CHF 190
200 searches
Unlimited users
Package 500
Private companies
CHF 900
CHF 450
500 searches
Unlimited users
Package 1,000
Private companies
CHF 1,600
CHF 800
1,000 searches
Unlimited users

We offer 2,000 searches/year free for public organisations. Currently, we also offer a 50% discount to non-profit organisations and small and medium-sized businesses (below 250 employees or USD 54 million in annual turnover).

Sign up for a demo account

Do you have questions regarding Basel Open Intelligence? Please contact Team Leader IT and eLearning, Peter Huppertz.