31. July 2015

Changing role of compliance – Ethical Corporation white paper

The role and scope of the compliance function is being reshaped; now compliance officers need to make their control environment work in practice and be able to express an opinion on how well it’s working or not working.

The CCO Forum is a group of Chief Compliance Officers from around the world who consider high level issues impacting the Compliance Function within an insurance or re-insurance group. Ethical Corporation interviewed the leaders of the CCO Forum, including Thomas Loesler at Allianz and Lee Augsburger at Prudential, to develop a 10 page white paper that tackles the future risks and challenges for the next generation compliance function, so compliance teams can prepare for the challenges that lie ahead. 

 “Now regulators are expecting us to have compliance programs that look like banks,” remarked Lee Augsburger, Chief Compliance Officer, Prudential in Ethical Corporation’s newly published whitepaper.

The white paper highlights 3 things:

  • Understand what the changing role of the compliance function looks like so you can meet business expectations;
  • Learn how to capitalise on the new compliance mind-set to achieve a more robust business model;
  • Determine what the future risks and challenges for the next generation compliance function mean for your role.

The aim of the paper is to help create a more robust business model for the future.

It’s free to download here: http://bit.ly/1OMM58u

About Ethical Corporation:

Ethical Corporation’s mission is to help businesses around the globe do the right thing by their customers and the world. We believe this is not only how to guarantee a future for all, but makes good business sense. We serve CSR, compliance, risk and governance communities with topical and insightful business intelligence and meeting places.

We provide business intelligence to more than 3,000 multinational companies every year. Our customers are also NGOs, think-tanks, academia, governments and consultancies. We publish the leading responsible business magazine, website, and research reports. Our conferences are widely recognised as the best in the field.

Ethical Corporation