Jeffrey Simser
Barrister and SolicitorJeffrey Simser is a Barrister and Solicitor in Toronto, Canada. He served as a lawyer and legal director at the Ministry of the Attorney General for over thirty years before starting his own practice in 2022. He is one of Canada’s leading experts on asset forfeiture and anti-money laundering law.
He holds law degrees from Queens University at Kingston and Os-goode Hall Law School. Mr. Simser is the author of two published books, Civil Asset Forfei-ture in Canada (loose-leaf) and Canadian Anti-Money laundering Law: the Gaming Sector. He is currently working with co-authors on another book, Money Laundering in Canada. He has published dozens of articles. Mr. Simser was twice qualified as an expert witness at the Commission of Inquiry into Money Laundering in British Columbia (the Cullen Commission).
Mr. Simser has provided training and support to law enforcement and jurisdictions across Canada and around the world (including the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the Philip-pines, Guatemala and Kenya).
See: simserjeffrey.com.