Ash Leber

Senior Specialist, Financial Analysis

Ash Leber joined the Basel Institute in April 2021 as a financial data analyst within the International Centre for Asset Recovery (ICAR) Malawi team.

Ash is an accomplished senior level professional in law enforcement, intelligence analysis, financial intelligence, data management, data analysis and IBM i2 analytical solutions. He holds a bachelor degree in Justice Studies from Edith Cowan University and a graduate diploma in Criminal Intelligence from Charles Sturt University, both in Australia. 

Ash formerly served as a Business Development Manager and Training Director for 15 years with Visual Analysis (VA-Worldwide). In his capacity with VA-Worldwide, Ash consulted on IBM i2 solutions, intelligence methods and AML/CFT analysis. His work involved developing database solutions along with charting visualization, as well as conducting OSINT and social network analysis.

He is an accredited Anacapa Sciences intelligence trainer, having managed, developed and delivered the programme of Criminal Intelligence Analysis and Financial Manipulation Analysis for VA-Worldwide since 2006 in Australia, Asia and Africa.

Prior to joining VA-Worldwide, Ash worked for 20 years with the Western Australia Police Service, where he fulfilled numerous roles from officer to investigator to lead intelligence analyst to executive level positions. In addition, Ash has developed expertise in conducting wildlife trafficking investigations and intelligence gathering.

Ash has spoken at events around the globe regarding criminal intelligence analysis, social network analysis and the structures of organised crime. He has regularly presented for the University of Groningen School of Illicit Trade, Charles Sturt University, Macquarie University, Australian Institute of Professional Intelligence Officers (AIPIO), NSW Police i-Focus and Interpol. Ash is a member of the International Association of Law Enforcement Intelligence Analysts (IALEIA) and International Association of Crime Analysts (IACA).