Anne-Claude Scheidegger

Senior Specialist, Asset Recovery

Anne-Claude Scheidegger joined the Basel Institute on Governance in July 2024 as a Senior Specialist, Asset Recovery. She works in the training team at the International Centre for Asset Recovery.

Since 2008, Anne-Claude has worked for prosecution authorities in Switzerland, including as a prosecutor at cantonal and federal level, specialising in the fight against economic crime. As a federal prosecutor, she worked in the White-Collar Crime Division in the Office of Attorney General. In this capacity, she was in charge of criminal proceedings, particularly of international corruption and money laundering, and of cooperation with foreign prosecution authorities through mutual legal assistance procedures.

Since 2012, Anne-Claude has also been a lecturer in the Faculty of Law at the University of Fribourg, where she teaches criminal law exercises for the Bachelor of Law degree. She has put this activity on standby for two years to dedicate herself fully to her role at the Institute. She ;was also a lecturer for the Certificate of Advanced Studies for "Magistrature Pénale" at the at the Haute-Ecole Arc, Neuchâtel.

Anne-Claude has contributed to a number of publications in the field of criminal law and economic crime.