
HLRM for the Electricity Transmission project, Argentina

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HLRM for the Electricity Transmission project, Argentina

Argentina launched its first High Level Reporting Mechanism (HLRM) in January 2018 and applied it to a major highways project.

In September 2018, the Anti-Corruption Office reactivated the HLRM to apply to a public-private partnership (PPP) tender for Electricity Transmission run by the Energy Secretariat. The project involves the construction of new high-voltage electricity transmission lines with a scope of more than 3,000 kilometres.

The Argentine HLRM is located under the Secretary for Public Ethics, Transparency, and Fight Against Corruption within the Anti-Corruption Office overseen by the President.

View full information about the application of the HLRM in Argentina and the High Level Reporting Mechanism as a tool for preventing corruption in public tenders.

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