28. March 2019

PMI Impact funds Basel Institute initiative against illegal wildlife trafficking


The Basel Institute will be launching an innovative project promoting systematic, intelligence-led action against illegal wildlife trafficking (IWT) networks along the East Africa – Southeast Asia trading chain. 

Supported by PMI Impact's Second Funding Round, the project focuses on uncovering and targeting illicit financial flows, strengthening the ability of law enforcement agencies to investigate and prosecute transnational IWT-related financial crimes, and improving coordination across public, private and non-governmental sector actors.

It is one element of a new multi-disciplinary programme of work at the Basel Institute focused on intelligence-led action against financial crime in the illegal wildlife trade (IWT).

The Basel Institute was one of 23 successful applicants from 23 countries to PMI Impact, an initiative of Phillip Morris International. Grants are awarded to projects addressing multiple aspects of illegal trade and related organised crime.